Search for Available Transports on the Device:
In order to connect to the internet from our blackberry applications we first need to search for the available transports. For a transport to be available we need to check whether there is sufficient coverage for that transport on the device and that there is a ServiceRecord available for that transport.Searching for ServiceRecords:
The ServiceBook object should be used to get the ServiceRecords:ServiceBook sb = ServiceBook.getSB();Now that we have got all the service records in the records[]array we can traverse all the records and identify the available transports by checking the cid and uid of each ServiceRecords as follows:
ServiceRecord[] records = sb.getRecords();
/** Stores transport ServiceBooks if found. Otherwise, null */
private ServiceRecord srMDS, srBIS, srWAP, srWAP2, srWiFi, srUnit;
/** Flags indicating the coverage status of each transport */
private boolean
coverageTCP = false,
coverageMDS = false,
coverageBIS = false,
coverageWAP = false,
coverageWAP2 = false,
coverageWiFi = false,
coverageUnite = false;
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
ServiceRecord myRecord = records[i];
String cid, uid;
if (myRecord.isValid() && !myRecord.isDisabled()) {
cid = myRecord.getCid().toLowerCase();
uid = myRecord.getUid().toLowerCase();
// BIS
if (cid.indexOf("ippp") != -1 && uid.indexOf("gpmds") != -1) {
srBIS = myRecord;
// BES
if (cid.indexOf("ippp") != -1 && uid.indexOf("gpmds") == -1) {
srMDS = myRecord;
// WiFi
if (cid.indexOf("wptcp") != -1 && uid.indexOf("wifi") != -1) {
srWiFi = myRecord;
// Wap1.0
if (getConfigType(myRecord) == CONFIG_TYPE_WAP && cid.equalsIgnoreCase("wap")) {
srWAP = myRecord;
// Wap2.0
if (cid.indexOf("wptcp") != -1 && uid.indexOf("wifi") == -1 && uid.indexOf("mms") == -1) {
srWAP2 = myRecord;
// Unite
if (getConfigType(myRecord) == CONFIG_TYPE_BES && myRecord.getName().equals(UNITE_NAME)) {
srUnite = myRecord;
Searching For Coverages:
Now by using the CoverageInfo class (net.rim.device.api.system.CoverageInfo) we have to determine the transports for which we have sufficient coverage.if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B)) {
coverageBIS = true;
if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)) {
coverageMDS = true;
coverageUnite = true;
* In JDE 4.5 CoverageInfo changed the name of COVERAGE_CARRIER to COVERAGE_DIRECT
* The constant value for both is the same, '1', so we can ALSO use 1 to avoid any
* dependency on JDE 4.5
if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(1)) {
coverageTCP = true;
coverageWAP = true;
coverageWAP2 = true;
//if(WLANInfo.getWLANState()==WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED){ // <-- This line requires JDE 4.5 or later (WLANInfo)
if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(1, RadioInfo.WAF_WLAN, false)) {
coverageWiFi = true;
Necessary Utilities Methods are given below:
/**Now that we have got ServiceRecords and Coverage information for all the available transports, we can use these information to connect to the internet.
* Gets the config type of a ServiceRecord using getDataInt below
* @param record A ServiceRecord
* @return configType of the ServiceRecord
private int getConfigType(ServiceRecord record) {
return getDataInt(record, 12);
* Gets the config type of a ServiceRecord. Passing 12 as type returns the configType.
* @param record A ServiceRecord
* @param type dataType
* @return configType
private int getDataInt(ServiceRecord record, int type) {
DataBuffer buffer = null;
buffer = getDataBuffer(record, type);
if (buffer != null) {
try {
return ConverterUtilities.readInt(buffer);
} catch (EOFException e) {
return -1;
return -1;
* Utility Method for getDataInt()
private DataBuffer getDataBuffer(ServiceRecord record, int type) {
byte[] data = record.getApplicationData();
if (data != null) {
DataBuffer buffer = new DataBuffer(data, 0, data.length, true);
try {
} catch (EOFException e1) {
return null;
if (ConverterUtilities.findType(buffer, type)) {
return buffer;
return null;
Adding Connection Parameter String with the URL:
For each type of connection method specific connection parameters should be appended with the base url. The connection parameters for each transport are as follows:MDS (BES):
connection_parameter = ";deviceside=false";
connection_parameter = ";deviceside=false;ConnectionType=" + "mds-public";
Direct TCP:
connection_parameter = ";deviceside=true";
WAP 1.0:
connection_parameter =
";WapGatewayIP=" + gatewayIP
+ ";WapGatewayPort=" + gatewayPort
+ ";WapSourceIP=" +
+ ";WapSourcePort=" + sourcePort
+ ";TunnelAuthUsername=" + username
+ ";TunnelAuthPassword=" + password
+ ";WapEnableWTLS=true";
WAP 2.0:
connection_parameter = ";deviceside=true" + ((srWAP2 == null) ? "" : (";ConnectionUID=" + srWAP2.getUid()));
connection_parameter = ";interface=wifi";
Appending this connection_parameter with the base url we have got the final URL (suppose full_url). An HttpConnection object can be made with this URL to start an Http Connection.
Useful links: - Different ways to make an HTTP or socket connection
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